EAS 2022 in Ithaca: “Beeing Social, Again”

MSBA Members representing Maryland at the 2022 EAS Conference
MSBA Members representing Maryland at the 2022 EAS Conference
MSBA Members representing Maryland at the 2022 EAS Conference
Phil Frank, Dewey Caron, Frank Linton
Selling their new book "Hive Tour" at EAS vendor table.
Eloise Naylor, EAS Board Chairperson

The Eastern Apicultural Society Conference for 2022 will take place August 1-5 at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY!

EAS 2022 is the Eastern Apicultural Association's first full-fledged conference since the Covid-19 pandemic. The abbreviated program in Kentucky last year was wonderful, and the whole beekeeping community is looking forward to having a full program that will include the honey show, children’s program and short course this year. Ithaca weather can be quite changeable, so bring a rain coat or umbrella. Long socks are a good idea to avoid picking up ticks on off-campus excursions.

The three-day EAS short courses will be held on Monday, August 1st through Wednesday, August 3rd. The main conference will then run from Wednesday, August 3rd to Friday, August 5th. The purpose of the Short Course is to provide a wide selection of topics of interest to many levels of experience. That said, attendees can, for the most part, join a single session or stay in a track for the entire day. The tracks this year include a Beginner Track organized by the Master Beekeepers, an Intermediate Track that on Managing Your Colonies, and the Advanced Track of the Business of Beekeeping on the Monday and Honey, Hive Products and the Honey Show on Tuesday.

The morning of August 1st, EAS will offer three lectures on microscopy at Ithaca College, covering anatomy, pollen and Nosema spp. This will be followed by an afternoon of dissecting bees and examining pollen and Nosema samples at the College of Veterinary Medicine. The lecture is open to all, but the field trip for the laboratory work will be limited to 50 registrants.

One Tuesday, August 2nd, EAS will offer Queen Rearing with Scott McArt and Mike Palmer at the Dyce Laboratory, Cornell University. This day-long track will cover topics such as the principles and practice of preparing a cell starter and finisher, practice catching and marking queens, choosing frames to graft and grafting. You may be able to take a queen cell home with you! This program will be limited to 30 participants.

The three-day main conference will run from Wednesday, August 3rd to Friday, August 5th. The morning sessions will provide plenary speakers and the afternoons will include 4-5 workshop tracks as well as apiary sessions. Plenary speakers are Dr. Dave Tarpy, Michael Palmer and Dr. Tom Seeley. The EAS Hambleton Award 2022 awardee Dr. Stephen Pernal from Alberta, Canada and Emma Mullen Walters, the Roger Morse Award awardee for 2022 will provide additional plenary addresses in the mornings. Further sessions with these keynote speakers are scheduled in the afternoon workshop sessions, so plenty of opportunity to learn from the best!

Our vendors will have a large venue in which to demonstrate and offer their latest equipment and products – always a highlight of an EAS conference!

Additional social events will include a “Dine around Ithaca” on Monday evening with registrants joining a local beekeeper at one of the varied restaurants in the area to chat bees and sample the local culinary scene.
The Ithaca area offers many local activities including hiking, boating and fishing in public parks and waterways and dining opportunities to fit any palate and budget. Accommodations range from camping to dormitory accommodations to motel and hotel venues – something for everyone. The area is known for the production of wine and abounds with wineries and meaderies allowing you to sample the products of our local vineyards and apiaries.

EAS will be following the Ithaca College COVID Health & Safety Guidelines in place on the dates of the Conference. Detailed information regarding the Ithaca College COVID Health & Safety Guidelines will be provided two weeks prior to August 1st. [more information]

You can join the EAS at www.easternapiculture.org. It really is a great way to take your beekeeping to the next level and support a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support beekeeper education and honeybee research.

[Back to the June 2022 Beeline newsletter]