Maryland Beekeeping Speakers List in Development

The MSBA Board has asked two members, Russell Sprangel and Toni Burnham, to collect information on presenters and topics that are available to beekeeping organizations and events in Maryland and to develop a way to share it with club leaders who need to program topics for meetings, classes, and other activities. This project is already underway, but we need your input, as well!

Russell collected almost 300 topics and speakers, along with contact information, and we are working to confirm their interest in being on our list, whether the topics we have are still on offer, and how best to put folks in touch. If you are interested in being listed as a speaker, we would love to hear from you (and learn more about your topics) at! If your club has information on recent speakers and their topics, we would love you to share that with us for inclusion, as well.

At present, available information is being added to a secure Google spreadsheet that we will share with club leaders by request once we have confirmed all speaker data.

MSBA has included full speaker names, their locations or affiliations, their preferred method of contact (email, phone, other), individual presentation titles, and whether the presentation is intended for a beekeeper meeting, a short course, or a public event. Because every club, season, and event is different, folks using this list will have the opportunity to work out whether to recruit speakers for in person or virtual presentations, and what sort of honorarium or travel arrangements might be needed.

MSBA's Second VPs, who represent each of the counties of Maryland, will receive access information for the list once it is ready to be shared. If you are interested in seeing particular speakers or topics included on the list, please talk to your local Second VP and they will bring this information to us!

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