2023 November 11 MEETING

Join the Maryland State Beekeepers Association for a fascinating day packed with insights on honey bees & useful tips to keep them.

  • Elections!
  • Expert Speakers!
  • AWARDS! Free State and George Imirie

EVENT: MSBA will convene its 115 ANNUAL FALL MEETING, and 86th Honey Show.
LOCATION: Zoom AND Montgomery College Germantown Campus
ADDRESS: If attending in person: 20200 Observation Drive, Germantown, MD 20876 (SCROLL down for additional location info)

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  • Better Bee - Lyson Molds www.betterbee.com
  • Blue Sky Bee Supply - Lyson Molds blueskybeesupply.com
  • Mann Lake www.mannlakeltd.com
  • Thorne Bee Supplies (UK) www.thorne.co.uk
  • Bee Equipment (Czech Republic) beeequipment.eu
  • Etsy.com and Ebay.com - Various sellers - Review shipping
  • Michaels Craft Stores - limited selection


When it is time (no earlier than 8:30 AM), CLICK HERE to join via zoom.



8:30.AMRefreshments, Coffee, Donuts, etc.
8:45.AMOpening and WelcomeFred Smith,
9:00.AMApiary Inspector's Report and Yellow Legged Hornet BriefingCybil Preston,
Md. State Inspector
9:30 AMFactors that Impact the Reproductive Quality of Drones and QueensDr. Juliana Rangel, Professor of Apiculture, Texas A&M (Via Zoom)
10:30 AMPreparing Honey Show EntriesVirginia Webb, EAS Master Beekeeper
Winner, “Best Honey in the World”
11:30 AMQueen Management EssentialsDr. Juliana Rangel, Professor of Apiculture, Texas A&M (Via Zoom)
1:30 PMBusiness Meeting:
Treasurer’s report, Annual Elections
Awards and Recognition:
Free State Beekeeper Citizenship,
Imirie Education, and
Honey Show Awards
Toni Burnham, Secretary
Jim Fraser, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, Past President/MSBA
1:45 PMUMD Bee Lab NewsEric Malcolm,
UMD Bee Lab
2:00 PMEAS UpdateDavid Morris, EAS Master Beekeeper
2:30 PMBeeswax Candles: From Cappings to Candles (HANDS ON)Virginia Webb, EAS Master Beekeeper
Winner, “Best Honey in the World”
3:30 PMClosing remarks/Expert Panel
4:00 PMAdjourn

COMING IN PERSON? Here is more info:

The reserved spaces for the meeting are in the High Technology (HT) Building.

The main meeting room will be Globe Hall in the High Technology (HT) Building. 
Adjacent spaces on the first and second floor are reserved for honey show, vendors, and catering/food. 

The meeting spaces are on the ground level and second floor with conveniently located elevators and restrooms on both floors.

Here is a link for a PDF map of the MC Germantown Campus: Germantown_Campus&Vicinity.pdf (montgomerycollege.edu)